I have been a user of wet wipes since my first child 10 years ago. It dawned on me one day that what might be good for my baby might also be good for me, because really can you fully clean your bottom using just toilet paper alone?
So I did, and boy did it become an everyday habit. But not just for number twos, number ones too and when it was that time of the month.
The next thing I knew I was buying wet wipe packs by the bundle, both for my growing baby and myself. We were easily consuming 240-320 wipes a week. And I had packs everywhere, in my car(s), the boot, side doors, gym bag, work bag, every toilet and bathroom, they were everywhere.
But what I failed to note was the damage it was causing to the sewerage pipes, until we had an explosion of wet wipes, toilet paper, and rotten sewage spew up in our back yard one late Winter’s night. It was an absolutely huge diabolical mess and help was called ASAP.
That’s when I was quickly educated on the damage flushing wet wipes caused. I just didn’t know, because it said “flushable” on the pack. So I needed to find a solution because wet wipes were so much apart of my life and they were a great need!
Then late last year I came across BDÉT (pron:BDAY) a Foam Wash that turns toilet paper into a wipe. It claimed to be an alternative to wet wipes, was natural and Made in New Zealand, great I thought and quickly ordered it online.
I received my Personal Hygiene set that has both the Foam Wash & natural Room Perfume, I couldn’t wait for my bowels to start turning over to try this unique little combo.
The next day at my usual time, after I’ve had a shower got ready for work, had a coffee, is the time I needed to go. If I could have changed it, maybe that would have changed my mood for the day, but I couldn’t.
The palaver of having to get my bag and go down 8 flights to the basement toilet to do my business in privacy was my regular routine. I dare not use our floor’s bathroom and risk everyone catching out it was me who left the place in a highly toxic state.
So that morning, armed with my 30ml BDÉT Foam Wash and 5ml Room Perfume, it was discrete enough that I didn’t even need to take my handbag! (which in my eyes was a Billboard screaming she’s off to the toilet!).
I was hesitant that it could do the job of my wipes, this tiny bottle? Saying it was the equivalent of 95 wipes? Unbelievable really, but I was desperate to feel clean so this was my only resort.
By the way I am also a sufferer of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) so not all deposits are created equal. Some days it’s so explosive I am sure I ate dynamite the night before, some days I’m dry and dehydrated, so my bottom can get quite sensitive and sore.
So I get to my bathroom stall, usually the one furtherest from the door. I pump some BDÉT onto a bit of toilet paper and wipe down the seat.
Easy enough.
Then it was time to test out “The Wipe”.
I grabbed some toilet paper (TP), I’m a folder not a scruncher, pumped a couple of squirts of the most heavenly scented foam (I chose Pikopiko and it smells like you’re on a tropical holiday), then I wiped.
Oh golly wholly wow!
It just glided along my butt cheeks! No harsh scrapping, no dry rubbing, no fingers breaking through the wet wipe, the sensation was so beautifully soft and light, on inspection it did a great job.
But it was the subsequent wipes afterwards. Wipe after foamy tropical holiday wipe, it left my bottom feeling refreshingly clean and and super cleansed. It was maybe one of the most memorable wow moments in my life! I can confidently say, I was a BDÉT convert right then and there!
All I can say is for me I have my challenges everyday, and having this tucked discretely in my hand bag is protection like no other. I can easily say BDÉT has changed my attitude to life and given me back my confidence.
Could I live without BDÉT, hell no and why would I want to? No way.
Sometimes the greatest inventions in life are the most simplistic.
Would I recommend BDÉT to a friend?
I would recommend it to everyone from babies to the elderly who can all use this product with confidence.
I mean what do you have to lose? It’s a win win for me. And with no more wet wipes down the loo again, it’s a win win for our water companies & environment too.
Don’t just tell a friend about BDÉT tell the World, that’s how good it is!
Jenny - IBS Sufferer & mother of two.
Try some today www.b-det.com/shop
So I did, and boy did it become an everyday habit. But not just for number twos, number ones too and when it was that time of the month.
The next thing I knew I was buying wet wipe packs by the bundle, both for my growing baby and myself. We were easily consuming 240-320 wipes a week. And I had packs everywhere, in my car(s), the boot, side doors, gym bag, work bag, every toilet and bathroom, they were everywhere.
But what I failed to note was the damage it was causing to the sewerage pipes, until we had an explosion of wet wipes, toilet paper, and rotten sewage spew up in our back yard one late Winter’s night. It was an absolutely huge diabolical mess and help was called ASAP.
That’s when I was quickly educated on the damage flushing wet wipes caused. I just didn’t know, because it said “flushable” on the pack. So I needed to find a solution because wet wipes were so much apart of my life and they were a great need!
Then late last year I came across BDÉT (pron:BDAY) a Foam Wash that turns toilet paper into a wipe. It claimed to be an alternative to wet wipes, was natural and Made in New Zealand, great I thought and quickly ordered it online.
I received my Personal Hygiene set that has both the Foam Wash & natural Room Perfume, I couldn’t wait for my bowels to start turning over to try this unique little combo.
The next day at my usual time, after I’ve had a shower got ready for work, had a coffee, is the time I needed to go. If I could have changed it, maybe that would have changed my mood for the day, but I couldn’t.
The palaver of having to get my bag and go down 8 flights to the basement toilet to do my business in privacy was my regular routine. I dare not use our floor’s bathroom and risk everyone catching out it was me who left the place in a highly toxic state.
So that morning, armed with my 30ml BDÉT Foam Wash and 5ml Room Perfume, it was discrete enough that I didn’t even need to take my handbag! (which in my eyes was a Billboard screaming she’s off to the toilet!).
I was hesitant that it could do the job of my wipes, this tiny bottle? Saying it was the equivalent of 95 wipes? Unbelievable really, but I was desperate to feel clean so this was my only resort.
By the way I am also a sufferer of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) so not all deposits are created equal. Some days it’s so explosive I am sure I ate dynamite the night before, some days I’m dry and dehydrated, so my bottom can get quite sensitive and sore.
So I get to my bathroom stall, usually the one furtherest from the door. I pump some BDÉT onto a bit of toilet paper and wipe down the seat.
Easy enough.
Then it was time to test out “The Wipe”.
I grabbed some toilet paper (TP), I’m a folder not a scruncher, pumped a couple of squirts of the most heavenly scented foam (I chose Pikopiko and it smells like you’re on a tropical holiday), then I wiped.
Oh golly wholly wow!
It just glided along my butt cheeks! No harsh scrapping, no dry rubbing, no fingers breaking through the wet wipe, the sensation was so beautifully soft and light, on inspection it did a great job.
But it was the subsequent wipes afterwards. Wipe after foamy tropical holiday wipe, it left my bottom feeling refreshingly clean and and super cleansed. It was maybe one of the most memorable wow moments in my life! I can confidently say, I was a BDÉT convert right then and there!
All I can say is for me I have my challenges everyday, and having this tucked discretely in my hand bag is protection like no other. I can easily say BDÉT has changed my attitude to life and given me back my confidence.
Could I live without BDÉT, hell no and why would I want to? No way.
Sometimes the greatest inventions in life are the most simplistic.
Would I recommend BDÉT to a friend?
I would recommend it to everyone from babies to the elderly who can all use this product with confidence.
I mean what do you have to lose? It’s a win win for me. And with no more wet wipes down the loo again, it’s a win win for our water companies & environment too.
Don’t just tell a friend about BDÉT tell the World, that’s how good it is!
Jenny - IBS Sufferer & mother of two.
Try some today www.b-det.com/shop